Terms & Conditions
We would always stand guarantee in regards to the work force selected by us. All deployed personnel shall under go a three month probationary period with the employer. If any of the candidates are found unsatisfactory within three months of appointment (Physically, Professionally or Conduct wise) he/ she shall be repatriated to his/ her country of origin by M/s. MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL free of cost with legal assistance from the employer. The guarantee is meant to ensure that only qualified workers will be provided to the employer on time. However, if any of the candidate are selected through client interview, and found unsuitable, only replacement candidate shall be provided with free of cost.
Basic Terms of Recruitment
Processing/ documentation cost, to and fro air ticket is to be borne by the employer. The placement service charges are negotiable. Recruitment processing time will be 30 days from the receipt of emigrated documents and the selected candidates shall be deployed within 10-15 working days after the receipt of their visa and agreement.
Documents Required
Following Details are requested from the employers for the recruitment:
- About the project
- Place of work
- Category and trade of workers required by the company
- Number of workers required in each category
- Minimum qualification and experience required in each category
- Basic salary & OT and other terms & conditions offered to the employees
- Duration of contract
- About food, accommodation and other facilities offered to the employees
- Tentative time of mobilization of the workers required at the site.
Documents Required For The Processing
Demand Letter- A Demand letter issued by the employer addressing MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL with full details of the job categories, number of workers, basic monthly salary, contract period, working hours and all other facilities like Food, Accommodation, Medical and Air Passage.
Agency Agreement- Agreement paper between employer and MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL standing clearly precisely all terms and conditions regarding manpower supply from India.
Power of Attorney- A letter issued by the employer authorizing MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL to act on behalf of the employer in recruiting the required number of workers and to carry out all necessary formalities related with the respective Embassy and the related agencies of the Government of India.
Employment Contract- Contract between Employer and Employee (Employment Contract). This agreement paper to be issued by the employer to appoint worker and should clearly state salary and other conditions, such as facilities, probation period, free resident permit, insurance & accommodation, overtime policy & rate etc. As per host Country's labour law.
Demand Letter and Power of Attorney (DM) should be issued by Employer through emigrate system for recruitment of manpower from India. www.emigrate.gov.in
Some of our Clients